According to the rules given to us by God, Death even comes for your children who are not in the light

by GodsChildren58

I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason even when Demons enter into people and cause death to happen to them or others around them. Remembering the question I had asked God, “Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?”  Everything in due time would be shown to me why these things do happen, even to the unborn children. “The Chosen Ones” by John Paul continues. . .


What Demon’s Do Best


Ps. 89.45 The days of his youth hast thou shortened: thou hast covered him with shame.

Prov. 10.27 The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened

Matt. 8.22 let the dead bury their dead

Living in an environment where God is not first will always have its consequences to be paid for sooner or later. Take my younger brother Jim for example. In H.S., he meets his first girlfriend, and he was so in love with her that he soon began to make all the wrong decisions with his own life. All he could think about was being with his new found girlfriend every chance that he could. His grades soon started to fall and soon after, he started missing out on his classes. In due time my brother Jim even had stopped going to school without anyone else in the family knowing about it, that was until one day my parents got a phone call asking where Jim has been. I didn’t even know about this myself and I lived in the same house. As for myself, I was busy working each day and after work I went straight to night school.  You have to remember the type of environment that we came from, you never tell anyone in the family what you were doing or going to do due to the retributions or negative remarks that would soon follow if or when our parents would ever find out.  And because our parents would never help us in our lives, we instead kept everything that was happening to ourselves. Jim being a teenager in love and in High School is hard enough and instead of ever being able to help Jim to work things out or to get him through his teenager years, my parents just made things even worst for Jim.

Everything now was an ultimatum when it came to Jim and not what the real issues were at hand. Our parents would always tell us, that if you don’t do this, then we will do this to you and then you’d be really sorry. They would never fail to remind us that this was their house and if we don’t like it, don’t let the door hit you in the rear. (That so familiar threat that parents would try and use on their children instead of taking the time to listen to what the real problems are and how to help) On and on, year after year, each time it was a different or stiffer threat that would be placed upon us. It was like growing up in a Nazi like environment, the mind games that they loved to play on us in order to just to keep that control over us. The psychological abuse can take its toll on any human mind and soon the human heart also gives up on life when the weak are pushed too far and over the edge.

Once you have lost hope and begin to believe in what the others continue to say to you over and over again. Your life no longer has meaning and for what little it had has now gone out the window. The things that every human cries out for is now lost. Hope, love, and compassion, even understanding no longer exist in your world. You soon start believing that what they’re saying to you is right, and that you will never amount to anything in your life. So why would anyone want to keep on living. They will tell you over and over again, you will always be a loser no matter what you do. You soon learn to turn off all of your feelings and emotions around you. You begin to clam-up and learn not to say nothing, nor tell anyone anything. You learn to never tell or share any of your problems with these types of people, because when you do, punishment would always follow. Remember, we were always a mistake in their minds and all of their life’s problems were our fault for being born into this world. These kinds of people and people just like them will never be happy about anything or be thankful for anything that God has given to them in life. They learn to feed off of each other’s negativity as they both soon die of a slow death within, just like a cancer that is feeding off of the healthy cells around them spreading everywhere until death comes.

I remember that my dad would always be repeating this certain date to Jim whenever he would pass by him. It didn’t make any sense to me at the time and I didn’t dare ask either. I too was also reminded that I am lucky to have a roof over my head. This is my dad’s house, and he will do as he damn well pleases. I didn’t know what was going on about this certain date, but later I would find out from my mother.

One day I asked my mother what’s going on with this date, and she told me. I soon learned that my brother had just dropped out of high school and that if he didn’t return by this deadline date, that he would have to move out of their house. When I saw Jim, I told him that he needed to go back and finish, even if he did lose a semester of school, I told him that he needed to finish his education if anything at all cost. I told him it’s best to do it while he still could and while he was still young enough to do it. I said to him that so many people drop out of school and never get a chance to finish. Jim told me that he was going to go back and try it again.

After a few weeks had passed this one night, I overheard my brother Jim crying in his bedroom. It was real late at night and I could hear him from my bedroom next to his down in the basement. I got up being very concerned and went into his room and asked Jim. “Is everything O.K? He said, “Yea, I’ll be alright, don’t worry about me.” I said to him, “Are you sure, do you need to talk about anything?”  He replied back me, “I’ll be Okay, don’t worry about me”.

A few days or so later when I came home from work, I saw that Jim was outside with his 12 gage shotgun shooting at some empty cans on the ground.  I went over into the field to asked him “What are you doing?” he seemed to be in a much better mood this day and then he said to me, “This can really put a hole in a person!” I said while looking at the cans on the ground full of holes and said, “It sure can.” Then he stopped dead and with a serious voice and look on his face he asked me, “How does a person get into Heaven?” I said, “Unless a man is born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven”. Jim looked at me puzzled and asked, “What does that mean?” I said, “What it means is that when you come and ask God for His forgiveness of all the wrong things that you have done in your life and that you accept His Son Jesus as your own personal savior. It’s very important that it comes from your heart, and after you have confessed all your sins to God, you should also thank Him by saying the Our Father”. Jim asked me, “Is that all I have to do?” I then said to him, “Its faith and the love that comes from within your heart that makes everything happen.”

The next day when I came home after I finished with my evening classes at Purdue, I asked my mother, “Where’s Jim?” it was now getting late out and he wasn’t home yet. My mother like it was nothing, “He was gone when we returned from shopping in town.” “Gone?” I replied, questioning what kind of an answer is that?  She then said “All I know is that he was on the phone with your uncle Ed asking him if he could stay with him.” She then added that at the last time that she saw him he was out in the garage with a hack saw, sawing off his shotgun barrel. Hacksaw, what could Jim be up to?

That same day I didn’t get the chance to take my walk and to talk with God as I usually would do due to it was already very late in the evening. The next day while I was at work, I couldn’t help myself from wondering what Jim was up to. He seemed to be fine the day before when he was talking to me about God. I thought to myself, “I hope he isn’t going to rob someone or do something really stupid with that shotgun that he hacksawed. I wondered to myself, did he go to my uncle Ed’s house, and what is he up to?

That same day after work I went straight home and because I didn’t have any classes that night and my dad was home when I arrived, I decided to go for my daily walk and to talk to God. Jim wasn’t home and my mother had taken my little sister roller skating with her class from school.

As I started walking down the trail out towards the opened orchard, I turned around the side of the hill and I saw my brother Jim lying near the trail. I yelled out at him thinking that he was only sleeping, for he also has been known to fall asleep out in the woods. I shouted, “Hay, sleepy head!” but he didn’t move, he just laid there motionless with his back towards me. As I walked ever closer towards him, I said, “Jim, what are you doing?” My heart began to race when he didn’t answer me. As I got even closer, I repeated myself ounce again with no response from Jim. My fears began to take over my thoughts.  As I approached him lying there I then tapped him with the tip of my shoe on his back, nothing. As I leaned over slowly towards his front side, I saw that his blue eyes were still wide opened and he was motionless. The shotgun was lying right next to him near his stomach area. The ground around his body was scared with kicked marks. Dried blood was on his hands and on the ground. I could tell that it was a very slow painful death that he must have suffered. I tried to turn his body over, but he was already too stiff for me to row him over. Thinking what to do next, I then ran back towards the house with my mind still racing with questions of why would he do such a thing to himself. As I came into the house to call the sheriff’s dept., my dad who was home asked, “What’s going on?”  I said, “Jim shot himself!” My dad then asked me, “Is he Okay?” I said, “No, he’s dead.” I then continued to call the county sheriff’s office to have them dispatch an ambulance.

The lady who was working the phone that day was more excited about my phone call then I was. It’s time like these that it really pays to have A.D.D. I was more in control then the operator was. She was asking me all kinds of questions about the gunshot and the extent of his injury, I had to calm her down and I told her, “No hurry, he’s already dead.” When the sheriff’s department arrived with an ambulance, the police had me take them down the trail that I used to show them where the body was located. They asked me if I touched anything and I told them that I didn’t. I could not help but think that Jim wanted to make sure that I would be the one who would find him, but I also thought that when people are in this state of mind they really don’t think things clearly. If they could, then they would not have taken their own life. No, something here happened that only I would be able to understand and only I would understand what the truth is and why this really happened to Jim.

The first thing that came to mind that it may have been Jim who had pulled the trigger, and it may have also been my parents that helped drove him to this breaking point, but deep down I now knew why God had allowed me to see what I have been seeing for all those many years. It was them, the Shadow Demons, the ones who I had seen all those years while living in the city of Chicago.

Now I knew what they were doing behind the scenes and how they are able to do these things that they do best. Remembering that just a few days earlier that Jim was asking me how to get into heaven, and now that he had killed himself. Something had to have caused him to kill himself before he was able to find God or His forgiveness. The first person that also came to my mind was Judas in the bible. This is how Satan got into Judas and after he betrayed the Son of God, Satan then caused Judas to take his own life.

A few weeks later I began to get the story of what and why this had happened. When Jim had dropped out of school, my parents instead of helping him gave Jim a dead-line date. This dead-line date was the day that Jim had to be out of their house. Because Jim didn’t go back to school like he told me he was going to. I didn’t know that Jim wasn’t showing up for classes like he said that he would. The dead-line date had finally came, without having any place for him to go or stay with anyone, he decided that he would leave this place for good, more like forever. I also soon heard from some of his friends that his girlfriend had just broken up with Jim just a few days earlier. That was the day that he was crying in bed. His girlfriend not only broke up with him but she was going to go to the prom with another guy. And to make things even worse I also learned that she was now carrying his baby.

   Even thou Death came and Satan was able to destroy that which is around me, hold fast and trust in the Lord for God will wipe away all your tears.

          The most important lesson that I learned here is that you are never to blame God when a death takes place close to you. Spirits, both Angels and Demons always know what you are thinking and what you are doing within your life. If you are not careful the Shadow Demons will in time get to you or to your loved ones. Being “Tagged” is like when a shark is under the surface of the water, you don’t know when it is your time for them to get you.  You cannot see them coming or know that evil is near watching your every move. Angels and Demons cannot occupy the same place at the same time, If God is not within you always then the doors are open for demons to enter.

            My belief is that these are the same Shadow Demons that were not able to get to me after all of those years because of how strong my love for God is, so the Shadow Demons in turn got to my brother instead. Thinking that this event would have surely pulled me away from the Lord my God I knew better